Vincent van Gogh

Road Running beside the Paris Ramparts

Vincent van Gogh - Road Running beside the Paris Ramparts

Vincent van Gogh
Road Running beside the Paris Ramparts
397 x 538 mm
Transparent and opaque watercolour, yellow, green, orange, ocher, and blue chalk, brush and blue paint, pen and blue ink, graphite on laid paper
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam


Catalogues raisonnés
F 1400
JH 1283

Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten, and Marije Vellekoop, Vincent van Gogh, New York; Amsterdam; New Haven and London, 2005, fig. 60


1990 Vincent van Gogh: Drawings, Nr. 158

External links

Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam Accession number d0355V1962

Other works by Vincent van Gogh

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