Henry Raeburn

James Cruikshank

Henry Raeburn - James Cruikshank

Henry Raeburn
James Cruikshank
c. 1805-08
127 x 101.6 cm
Oil on canvas
The Frick Collection, New York


Collection catalogues
The Frick Collection, an illustrated Catalogue, New York, 1968, Volume I, pp. 85-89 info

Viccy Coltman and Stephen Lloyd (eds.), Henry Raeburn, Edinburgh, 2012, fig. 13.3


James Cruikshank
His eldest son, James Cruikshank
The latter’s youngest son, Augustus Walter Cruikshank
With Agnew, 1899
With Forbes and Paterson
With Charles Sedelmeyer, Paris (1903)
Maurice Kann
His sale, 9 June 1911, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, nr. 43, sold to Knoedler
Frick, 1911

External links

Frick Collection, New York Accession number 1911.1.94

Other works by Henry Raeburn

Henry Raeburn Professor John Robison
Professor John Robison

Henry Raeburn Eliza Mary Campbell, Lady Gordon-Cumming
Eliza Mary Campbell, Lady Gordon-Cumming

Henry Raeburn Peter Van Brugh Livingston
Peter Van Brugh Livingston

Henry Raeburn David Anderson
David Anderson
c. 1790

Henry Raeburn Self-portrait