School of Rembrandt

Jacob Is Shown the Blood-Stained Coat of Joseph

School of Rembrandt - Jacob Is Shown the Blood-Stained Coat of Joseph

School of Rembrandt
Jacob Is Shown the Blood-Stained Coat of Joseph
c. 1655
162 x 241 mm
Reed-pen and bistre
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet
C. Hofstede de Groot Bequest


Catalogues raisonnés
Benesch 971 (as Rembrandt)

Collection catalogues
Peter Schatborn, Tekeningen van / Drawings by Rembrandt in het / in the Rijksmuseum, 's-Gravenhage, 1985, nr. 70 (as unknown pupil of Rembrandt)

External links

Rijksmuseum Accession number RP-T-1930-5

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt Old Man in Wide-Brimmed Hat
Old Man in Wide-Brimmed Hat
c. 1645-46

Rembrandt The St. Anthoniessluis
The St. Anthoniessluis
c. 1651

Rembrandt Two Women
Two Women
c. 1636

Rembrandt Female Nude Reclining
Female Nude Reclining
c. 1654-56

Rembrandt Farm-House Beneath Trees
Farm-House Beneath Trees
c. 1652