Giovanni Bellini

Doge Leonardo Loredan

Giovanni Bellini - Doge Leonardo Loredan

Giovanni Bellini
Doge Leonardo Loredan
61.6 x 45.1 cm
Oil on panel
The National Gallery, London


Collection catalogues
Christopher Baker and Tom Henry, The National Gallery complete illustrated catalogue, London, 2001, p. 31

Jill Dunkerton, Susan Foister, and Nicholas Penny, Dürer to Veronese, New Haven, Conn.; London, 1999, fig. 320
Peter Humfrey, Timothy Clifford, Aidan Weston-Lewis, Michael Bury, The Age of Titian, Edinburgh, 2004, fig. 5


2008 Renaissance Faces: Van Eyck to Titian, Nr. 15

External links

National Gallery, London Accession number NG189

Other works by Giovanni Bellini

Giovanni Bellini The Circumcision
The Circumcision

Giovanni Bellini The Virgin and Child
The Virgin and Child
c. 1480-85

Giovanni Bellini Orpheus
c. 1515

Giovanni Bellini St. Jerome in the Desert
St. Jerome in the Desert
c. 1460

Giovanni Bellini The Madonna of the Meadow
The Madonna of the Meadow
c. 1500