M.J. Caan van Maurik, Oudewater
with Étienne Le Roy, Brussels
John Waterloo Wilson, Brussels and Paris, by 1873–81
his sale, at his hotel, avenue Hoche, 3, Paris, 14-16 March 1881, nr. 57, with pendant to Petit
with Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, from 1881
E. Secrétan, Paris, by 1883–89
sale E. Secrétan, Galerie Charles Sedelmeyer, Paris, 1-4 July 1889 (Lugt 48407), nr. 125, with pendant to
Durand-Ruel for Havemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. H.O. Havemeyer, New York, 1889–his d. 1907
Mrs. H.O. (Louisine W.) Havemeyer, New York, 1907–d. 1929