Sébastien Bourdon

The Flight into Egypt

Sébastien Bourdon - The Flight into Egypt

Sébastien Bourdon
The Flight into Egypt
97 x 130.7 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Christie's, London, 19 April 2018


Louis-Jean-François Collet (1722–1787), Chevalier de l'Ordre de St. Michel, Paris
(†), his sale, Le Brun, Paris, 14-23 May 1787, nr. 274, 1800 livres
Charles-Alexandre de Calonne (1734–1802), Paris
his sale, Le Brun, Paris, 21-30 April 1788, nr. 131, 601 livres to Fontaine
with Vose Galleries, Providence, Rhode Island
Henry C. Hart (born 1914), Providence, Rhode Island
Mrs. Costock, Providence, Rhode Island
anonymous sale, Christie's, New York, 9 June 1978, nr. 76, where acquired by the La Salle University Art Museum
sale Christie's, London, 19 April 2018, nr. 21

Other works by Sebastien Bourdon

Sebastien Bourdon Flight into Egypt
Flight into Egypt
c. 1645

Sebastien Bourdon The Presentation in the Temple
The Presentation in the Temple
c. 1644

Sebastien Bourdon Queen Christina of Sweden on Horseback
Queen Christina of Sweden on Horseback

Sébastien Bourdon Horsemen taking refreshment
Horsemen taking refreshment

Sébastien Bourdon The Attack of the Bandits
The Attack of the Bandits
c. 1640