Edgar Degas

Blue dancers

Edgar Degas - Blue dancers

Edgar Degas
Blue dancers
c. 1895
85 x 75.5 cm
Oil on canvas
Musée d'Orsay, Paris


Catalogues raisonnés
Paul-André Lemoisne, Degas et son oeuvre, Paris,, 1946-48, nr. 1014

Collection catalogues
Robert Rosenblum, Paintings in the Musée d'Orsay, New York, 1989, p. 343


1996 Degas beyond impressionism, Nr. 32

Other works by Edgar Degas

Edgar Degas Scene from the Steeplechase: The Fallen Jockey
Scene from the Steeplechase: The Fallen Jockey
1866, reworked 1880-81 and c. 1897

Edgar Degas Jockey in Blue on a Chestnut Horse
Jockey in Blue on a Chestnut Horse
c. 1889

Edgar Degas Mary Cassatt Seated, Holding Cards
Mary Cassatt Seated, Holding Cards
c. 1880-84

Edgar Degas Horses in a landscape
Horses in a landscape
c. 1860

Edgar Degas The Morning Ride
The Morning Ride