Louis-Léopold Boilly

A study for The Movings

Louis-Léopold Boilly - A study for The Movings

Louis-Léopold Boilly
A study for The Movings
267 x 199 mm
Black chalk and charcoal heightened with white on brown paper
Sale Bonhams, New York, 15 April 2021


E.Mans (Frits Lugt 878b, indistinct stamp)
sale, Audap-Picard-Solanet & Associés, Paris, 19 March 1997, nr. 6
With Hazlitt, Gooden & Fox, London, 1998
sale Bonhams, New York, 15 April 2021, nr. 235

Other works by Louis-Léopold Boilly

Louis-Léopold Boilly To Pass, You Pay
To Pass, You Pay
c. 1803-4

Louis-Léopold Boilly The Poor Cat
The Poor Cat
c. 1825

Louis-Léopold Boilly Two boys and a dog
Two boys and a dog

Louis-Léopold Boilly A Young Girl Holding Her Dog
A Young Girl Holding Her Dog
c. 1797-98

Louis-Léopold Boilly The Little Chapel
The Little Chapel
c. 1803-4