Louis-Léopold Boilly

The Triumph of Marat

Louis-Léopold Boilly - The Triumph of Marat

Louis-Léopold Boilly
The Triumph of Marat
80 x 120 cm
Oil on seven sheets of paper laid down on canvas
Palais des Beaux-Arts, Lille


Francesca Whitlum-Cooper, Boilly, London; New Haven, Connecticut, 2019, fig. 3

Other works by Louis-Léopold Boilly

Louis-Léopold Boilly A Girl at a Window
A Girl at a Window
After 1799

Louis-Léopold Boilly The Entrance to the Jardin Turc
The Entrance to the Jardin Turc

Louis-Léopold Boilly Moving Day
Moving Day

Louis-Léopold Boilly My Little Soldiers
My Little Soldiers

Louis-Léopold Boilly The Shower
The Shower
c. 1805