Circle of Pieter Bout

Studies of cattle and figures

Circle of Pieter Bout - Studies of cattle and figures

Circle of Pieter Bout
Studies of cattle and figures
26.5 x 43.5 cm
Oil on canvas laid down on panel
Sale Bonhams, London, 10 December 2003


Anon. sale, Sotheby's, Monaco, 17th June, 1989, lot 517
Anon. sale, Sotheby's, London, 6th December, 1989, lot 245
Sale Bonhams, London, 10 December 2003, nr. 92

Other works by Peeter Bout

Follower of Pieter Bout Drovers tending to cattle in an open landscape
Drovers tending to cattle in an open landscape

Circle of Pieter Bout Travellers in a landscape
Travellers in a landscape

Adriaen Frans Boudewijns and Pieter Bout Shepherds and shepherdesses resting and watering their livestock
Shepherds and shepherdesses resting and watering their livestock

Follower of Pieter Bout A milkmaid with a drover and cattle in a landscape
A milkmaid with a drover and cattle in a landscape

Adriaen Frans Boudewijns and Pieter Bout Shepherds and shepherdesses resting and watering their livestock
Shepherds and shepherdesses resting and watering their livestock