Catalogues raisonnés
F 484
JH 1771
Ingo F. Walther, Rainer Metzger,
Vincent van Gogh, Köln, 1993, p. 549
Jill Lloyd and Michael Peppiatt (eds.),
Van Gogh and Expressionism, Ostfildern, 2007, plate 48
Selected by James Cuno,
Master Paintings in the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago; New Haven and London, 2009, p. 65
Louis van Tilborgh, Teio Meedendorp, Ella Hendriks, Don H. Johnson, C. Richard Johnson Jr and Robert G. Erdmann, Weave matching and dating of Van Gogh's paintings: an interdisciplinary approach in Burlington Magazine, 1307, 2012 pp. 112-122, fig. 31
Eliza E. Rathbone, William H. Robinson, Elizabeth Steele, and Marcia Steele,
Van Gogh repetitions, New Haven; Washington, D.C., 2013, fig. 38