Vincent van Gogh

The Road to Tarascon with a Man Walking

Vincent van Gogh - The Road to Tarascon with a Man Walking

Vincent van Gogh
The Road to Tarascon with a Man Walking
258 x 350 mm
Pencil, pen, reed pen
Kunsthaus, Zurich


Catalogues raisonnés
F 1502
JH 1492

Ingo F. Walther, Rainer Metzger, Vincent van Gogh, Köln, 1993, p. 386
Richard Kendall, Sjraar van Heugten, Chris Stolwijk, Van Gogh and nature, Williamstown, Massachusetts; New Haven, Connecticut, 2015, fig. 109


2015 Van Gogh and Nature, Nr. 24
2008 Van Gogh: Gezeichnete Bilder, Nr. 62
2005 Vincent van Gogh: The Drawings, Nr. 45
1990 Vincent van Gogh: Drawings, Nr. 170


Sent by the artist to Theo van Gogh (d. 1891), Paris, presumably on May 1, 1888
Johanna van Gogh-Bonger, 1891
sold to Artz en De Bois, The Hague, July/August 1912
with J.H. de Bois, Haarlem, summer 1913
offered to Felix Graefe, Wenen, September 1917, and to R. E. Buhler, Winterthur, January 1918
still with De Bois, 1926
private collection, England
Otto Wacker Art Gallery, Berlin, 1926
Galerie Aktuaryus, Zurich, until 1940
sold to the museum, 1940

External links

Kunsthaus Accession number Z.1940/0001

Other works by Vincent van Gogh

Vimcent van Gogh Ville-d'Avray: l'etang au batelier
Ville-d'Avray: l'etang au batelier

Vincent van Gogh Hanging Skeleton and Cat
Hanging Skeleton and Cat

Vincent van Gogh Man with a Hoe
Man with a Hoe

Vincent van Gogh Field of Grass with a Round Clipped Shrub
Field of Grass with a Round Clipped Shrub

Vincent van Gogh Pollard Birches with Woman and Flock of Sheep
Pollard Birches with Woman and Flock of Sheep