Sebastiaen Vrancx (1573 - 1647)

Flemish painter

Overview | Works (35)

Circle of Sebastiaen Vrancx - Attack on a Wagon Train
Circle of Sebastiaen Vrancx
Attack on a Wagon Train

Circle of Sebastiaen Vrancx - Landscape with Ransacked Wagon
Circle of Sebastiaen Vrancx
Landscape with Ransacked Wagon

Studio of Sebastian Vrancx - Travellers ambushed on a snow-covered path before a windmill
Studio of Sebastian Vrancx
Travellers ambushed on a snow-covered path before a windmill

Studio of Sebastian Vrancx - A village skirmish in the Eighty Years' War
Studio of Sebastian Vrancx
A village skirmish in the Eighty Years' War

Circle of Sebastiaen Vrancx - Christ preaching a sermon in a landscape
Circle of Sebastiaen Vrancx
Christ preaching a sermon in a landscape

Circle of Sebastian Vrancx - Elegant figures conversing and making music in a wooded landscape, with a village in the distance
Circle of Sebastian Vrancx
Elegant figures conversing and making music in a wooded landscape, with a village in the distance

Circle of Sebastian Vrancx - A wooded river landscape
Circle of Sebastian Vrancx
A wooded river landscape

Circle of Sebastian Vrancx - The sacking of a villa
Circle of Sebastian Vrancx
The sacking of a villa

Circle of Sebastian Vrancx - A moonlit winter landscape
Circle of Sebastian Vrancx
A moonlit winter landscape

Circle of Sebastian Vrancx - A winter townscape with figures skating on a frozen canal
Circle of Sebastian Vrancx
A winter townscape with figures skating on a frozen canal

Studio of Sebastian Vrancx - Travellers ambushed on a snow-covered path
Studio of Sebastian Vrancx
Travellers ambushed on a snow-covered path

Studio of Sebastian Vrancx - A winter village landscape with kolf players and skaters on a frozen river
Studio of Sebastian Vrancx
A winter village landscape with kolf players and skaters on a frozen river

Circle of Sebastian Vrancx - A palace garden with elegant figures feasting on a terrace with musicians on the balcony above them and a troupe of commedia dell'arte actors and acrobats performing below
Circle of Sebastian Vrancx
A palace garden with elegant figures feasting on a terrace with musicians on the balcony above them and a troupe of commedia dell'arte actors and acrobats performing below