Jan Steen

The Wedding of Tobias and Sarah

Jan Steen - The Wedding of Tobias and Sarah

Jan Steen
The Wedding of Tobias and Sarah
c. 1667-68
80 x 103.2 cm
Oil on canvas
Private collection

Related works

Jan Steen - The Wedding of Tobias and Sarah
Jan Steen
The Wedding of Tobias and Sarah


2018 Jan Steen's Histories, Nr. 11


Possibly recorded on 18 April 1676 (a Bruiloft van Tobias en Sara ['Wedding of Tobias and Sarah'] by Steen by Barent van Lin at Dispontijn, a notary in The Hague, given in payment of a debt)
possibly sale Amsterdam, 6 March 1708, nr. 4 (Bruiloft van Tobias [Wedding of Tobias], 205 guilders)
Count Heinrich von Brühl (1700-1763) collection
Meffre Aine collection
Galerie Pierard, Valenciennes (purchased from Meffre for 1,400 francs)
sale Paris (Pierard), 20-21 March 1860, nr. 78
Ch. Levesque collection, Paris
sale Drouot, Paris, 27-28 March 1914, nr.15
Czempin collection, Berlin
with Pictura, Berlin
with Haberstock, Berlin, 1928
Buchenau collection, Niendorf-Barcelona
Girardet collection, Kettwig, 1959-1963
with Duits, London, 1965
private collection, London
sale Christie's, New York, 9 June 2010, nr. 21
with Salomon Lilian, Amsterdam, 2012-2013
private collection

External links

RKD 207614

Other works by Jan Steen

Jan Steen Samson and Delilah
Samson and Delilah

Jan Steen The Procuress
The Procuress

Jan Steen Fighting Peasants at an Inn
Fighting Peasants at an Inn

Jan Steen Card Players in a Tavern
Card Players in a Tavern
c. 1664

Jan Steen Card Players quarreling
Card Players quarreling